How do I buy tokens?

Email to buy tokens
The minimum purchase is currently 1 BTC for 10,000 tokens with a current bonus of 10,000 tokens issued as below. You can buy tokens with fiat currency as well.

The token price is linked to the bitcoin so no matter what value the crypto market is at you won’t lose out and don’t need to wait for a bitcoin high or low.

We are in presale at present

  1. Presale will be at 1 BTC per 10,000 tokens with a minimum volume of 10,000 tokens. Tokens bought during the presale will have an additional 10,000 tokens per BTC allocated to a personal buyer wallet whose address will be shared with the buyer.
  2. At the point where BTC reaches $40,000 for more than 7 consecutive days, the main sale starts at 1 BTC per 10,000 tokens
  3. When the value exceeds 2 BTC per 10,000 or 6 months after listing access details for the personal buyer wallets will be issued to buyers in order of purchase.

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